
Duration 3 years
Starting Date September
Tuition Fee / Year ¥14,000 (RMB)
Teaching Language Chinese

Program Infomation

1. Jasmine scholarship

Funding criteria

1) Full Scholarship: RMB 38 thousand

The funding will cover:

A. Registration fee, tuition, laboratory fee, internship fee, fee for basic learning materials (The fees beyond the school teaching plan of experiment or internship should be afforded by the students themselves. The basic teaching materials fee means the fees for the teaching materials designated by the school.)

B. Free on-campus accommodation, or subsidy RMB10,000 / year;

C. The basic cost of living allowances: RMB1,500 per person / month ( The student who registers before 15th of the month (including the day of 15th) will be awarded full month living allowance; the student who registers after 15th of the month will be awarded half a month living expenses)

D. Comprehensive Medical Insurance for the International Students

2) Partial Scholarship: RMB 20 thousand (Funding period: 1 academic year)

2. ASEAN scholarship: The funding criteria is the same as Jasmine Scholarship

3. The Institute Scholarship:

For the self-financing student, they will enjoy scholarships rates of RMB 6,000, RMB 4500 or RMB 3000 per year in accordance with the yearly standard payment of RMB 12,000 per year. The scholarship will be graded with the evaluation of the applicants’ academic profiles.

NOTE: The above three kinds of scholarships are set for degree applicants, and the applicants are supposed to apply for one of them only.

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